All about Ah So Insights' office hours
What is it you want to know about wine and spirit importing, distribution, and sales
When you sign up for a paid subscription to Ah So Insights, you’re getting much more than a unique newsletter for wine and spirit professionals; you’re getting weekly access to find out anything you ever wanted to know about the business of booze. Ah So Insights’ office hours are about providing you answers you can’t find on Google.
For less than a happy hour glass of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo (per month), you can book a weekly phone call, Zoom, or Google Meet for up to an hour to discuss those nagging questions that include but aren’t limited to:
Sales Reps
How can I make more money?
How can I work smarter so I don’t have to work harder?
What’s the best way to manage my managers, customers, and/or self?
How do I steer my career toward roles in portfolio or sales management?
Importers & Distributors
What’s the best way to construct a portfolio? …to price a product?
What categories or styles of wine or spirits can I arbitrage for a competitive advantage in my market?
How can I improve our hiring practices and reduce turnover?
What are cost-effective measures for improving company culture?
Wineries and Distilleries
How do I make my brand stand out in an ever-increasingly crowded field?
How do I manage my partnership with my importer and/or distributor(s)?
How does the three-tier system work and how do I navigate the US market?
What are the real-time market conditions in major cities like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago?
Can you introduce me to an importer and/or distributor(s)?
Hospitality Professionals
How do I improve my cost pour for wine, spirits, and/or cocktails?
How do I efficiently manage my distributor relationships?
How can I best prepare for a career transition to importing and/or distribution?
How do I set up my own small business in the wine and spirit industry?
What makes these meetings so useful is that they are custom-tailored to your specific needs. This isn’t cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all advice. This is about saving time, money, and energy by having a conversation with someone who has likely been there before (or, at least, knows someone who has). All too often wine and spirit professionals are left to fend for themselves. Ah So Insights’ office hours provide the means to get ahead because you shouldn’t have to figure things out from scratch or wait two to three weeks to get an answer to a question someone elsewhere asked and figured out years ago.
How’s it all work? Simply subscribe to a paid version of the newsletter, email me the topics you want to talk and learn about, the date and time you’d like to meet, and which method of communication you prefer: phone, Zoom, or Google Meet. I’ll respond with a calendar invite. It’s that simple.